FREE Therapy: Bibliotherapy!

I’ve heard from clients so many times over that the right book at the right time can have a profound impact. I have been deeply moved and encouraged by certain books in the past. Books offer a plethora of knowledge and growth opportunities. And if you use your local library, THEY ARE FREE!

It’s not out of the ordinary for me to recommend certain titles to clients that I think will enrich their therapy. Using books to support the therapy process is termed, BIBLIOTHERAPY. It’s also not uncommon for me to find myself reading books that clients have recommended! That’s why I share about certain books on my BLOG. It’s all in the hopes of helping people out and growing together!

I am committed to ongoing personal growth, and I see a collective need for us to each do our own healing work. So, get out there and checkout some new books! If you’re looking for any recommendations on a specific topic related to well-being and mental health, feel free to reach out! Coriander Living Collective is happy to be a resource.


Approach Life with More Ease, Creativity, and Flexibility! Welcome to Open Floor 101!


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