The 3 Necessary Components for Relationships to Survive Infidelity

Cheating. Affairs. Infidelity. Unfaithfulness. Can be devastating to a relationship and to individuals, or they can be an opportunity for personal and relationship growth. The research varies on affairs and infidelity rates, but roughly half of people admit to engaging in cheating behavior. It’s likely that you or someone you care about will be touched by infidelity.

Following cheating, it is possible for the relationship to heal and thrive, but that requires 3 things:

1)    Both parties must honestly want the relationship to work and to be committed to the partnership.

2)   The partner who harmed must show true remorse in a way that the partner who was hurt believes.

3)   The partners must be willing to work to understand how come the cheating happened and to take action to address the underlying issues and unmet needs.

Cheating. Affairs. Infidelity. Unfaithfulness. Can be incredibly painful and a challenge to recover from. Coriander Living Collective does not currently do couples therapy, but we would be honored to offer you a referral or work individually with any partners who are struggling to heal from infidelity, or undecided about staying in or leaving a relationship. Just reach out for a free consultation.


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