From before birth, until our last breath, we are moving. Movement might look like our heart beating, walking, or the choices we make. We are constantly moving towards or away, with or against, and in so many other ways. Our bodies and movement are one of our greatest resources as human beings. There is a reason that throughout history and across cultures people move, people dance. It is how we live. It is how we communicate. It is how we meet needs. Emotions are energy moving in our bodies. Movement is one of our birth rights. We get to grow and change. Why not practice movement with “intention and purpose?”

Open Floor International is a not-for-profit organization that teaches “resource-based movement practices.” During an Open Floor class one of the ten “Core Movement Resources” will be explored. These “Core Movement Resources” include ground, center, spatial awareness, expand and contract, release, towards and away, active and settle, dissolve, vector, and pause.

Practicing these “Core Movement Resources” on the dance floor makes them more accessible for when you are not on the floor. How about practicing a “pause” when you are overwhelmed? Or “ground” when in conflict with someone you love? Open Floor practice encourages awareness, insight, and resilience on and off, the dance floor. 

Cori is honored to be an Open Floor Teacher-in-Training. Come join one of her future classes or workshops to practice these movement resources.


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Bibliotherapy: In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction by Gabor Maté