I just finished the intensive, Phase 2 of my Open Floor International teacher training program! I’ve spent several days dancing, moving, connecting, learning, and creating art.

We focused on ‘Common Sense’ and Emotional Embodiment. Emotional intelligence is about our ability to embody and express emotions. It’s having the capacity to hold complex emotions and contain them. It’s being able to sense and attune with others. The more we can move and track our emotions and those of others on the dance floor, the more attuned and resilient we can move through life off the dance floor.

Embodiment is a form of mindfulness. Mindfulness is about cultivating a deep sense of awareness, understanding ‘Who am I?’ and connecting with the divine. The better you understand your inner emotional landscape, the more authentically you can show up in the world. And with all the challenges facing our world, we need creative solutions brought by authentic people. How can I sense you? If I can’t sense me?

Come explore Emotional Embodiment. Come practice being a present, aware, and integrated person! Come join Open Floor Teacher-in-Training, Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN at an Open Floor workshop or class! Drop-in Open Floor 101 classes happening Sunday, November 13th and 20th, 2022.


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