The Benefits of Novelty and My Get Out and Try- St. Croix Valley Podcast Debut!

Winter can get long. This pandemic is getting LONG. Maybe it’s time to get out and try something new?

A few weeks back, I was invited to join a conversation with Katie Axel, founder of Get Out and Try- St. Croix Valley, on her podcast. We talked about Coriander Living Collective, psychotherapy, EMDR, ecstatic dance, and the benefits of novelty seeking for humans

Novelty can be anything that is new to you: a new friend, event, experience, skill, food, or clothing item. Research supports that people who incorporate novelty into their lives, live happier and longer lives. Novelty seeking stimulates memory, motivation, and creativity centers in our brains. New experiences offer a rush of dopamine (the happy hormone) and opportunities for belonging.

During this pandemic, I have noticed, my clients who have continued to seek new experiences and opportunities, even as many things were uncertain and shutdown, appear more resilient, satisfied, and able to connect to meaning making during this time. 

So, get out and try, something new! Coriander Living Collective has movement workshops coming up on 2/14/21 and 4/11/21 with Inspiring Actions in River Falls. 

If fear or anxiety, limits you from trying new things, Coriander Living Collective is here to support you. We want you to live your longest, happiest life!


Craving Support and Connection? 3 Ways to Get Those Needs Met ASAP! 


Welcoming the Unwelcome: Wholehearted Living in a Brokenhearted World by Pema Chödrön