What is a Brainspot? How do you find Brainspots?

BRAINSPOTTING is a body-brain based relational therapy that was discovered by Dr. David Grand that uses where you look to access stored material in your subcortical brain. Accessing this stored material allows your own natural healing process to unfold, metabolizing and moving you towards a regulated, state of homeostasis. Where this stored material is held in the brain-body is considered a Brainspot. A Brainspot may not be only one area of activation in the brain, but many at the same time.

A Brainspot is a fixed eye position that correlates with physiological activation or resourcefulness around a focused issue. The brain-body is constantly self-scanning our external and internal environments. A Brainspot is thought to be an access window into our neural networks.

A Brainspotting Therapist and client collaboratively work together to locate Brainspots. A certain target issue is identified along with the felt sense of that target in the client’s body. The client may be able to self-identity a Brainspot through gazing off into space or looking at a telescoping pointer held by the therapist. Or the therapist may identify a Brainspot based on the reflexes of the client.

BRAINSPOTTING is a promising therapy for most types of symptoms such as sleep disturbance, low mood, anxiety, irritability, negative beliefs, interpersonal issues, trauma and stress responses, and chronic pain.

It is hard to conceptualize and imagine what a Brainspot feels like until you give it a try and sense into it yourself.

If you are curious about trying a therapy beyond talk therapy, please reach out. I am currently accepting new individual teenager and adult telehealth clients in MN and WI for BRAINSPOTTING. Feel free to book your intake session by clicking here.

*I added that fuchsia plant picture because it’s stunning! In the middle of that plant was a pool of water growing other plants. Nature is so amazing! Our bodies are part of nature and equally impressive! So is our ability to heal and adapt. Brainspotting is a wonderful healing tool.


