Workshops & Retreats
Tired Mamas Retreat
Motherhood is a marathon. We've got to take breaks. 3 day, 2 night all-inclusive retreat at luxurious private cabin in Minong, WI. Experience a nice balance of restorative me time, a smidge of personal development, & a meaningful way to connect with a village of mamas like yourself. Come join us!
Outside Ecstatic Dance II
Instructor: Cori Hildebrandt, Psychotherapist, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN is excited to offer again Outside Ecstatic Dance! Come experience the freedom and expression to be found in free-form meditative dance movement.
How to Be Steady in an Unsteady World Workshop!
Instructor: Cori Hildebrandt, Psychotherapist, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN is excited to offer this workshop! She believes the steadier we are inside, the less things outside of us, knock us off center.
Let Go, Let Love & Light Workshop!
This workshop will use mediation, movement, and art to let go of the things that weigh you down, opening to love and light.
“Your life is meant to confront everything that holds you captive."
— Rumi