Brainspotting therapy transfers nicely into a virtual environment. The outcomes with virtual brainspotting seem as effective as in-person sessions. Watch this quick video to learn what you need to do to prepare for your first Brainspotting session!

  1. Secure a quiet location and remove potential interruptions and distractions.

  2. Ideally, login from a computer that is resting on a firm surface.

  3. Have earbuds or headphones that are tested and connected to your computer.

  4. Have ready a beverage, tissues, garage bin, and a way to cover one of your eyes (bandana, eye patch, scarf, post it note on glasses, etc.).

  5. Have your biolateral or bilateral music queued up on a music platform you subscribe to or on YouTube. Learn more here about the music.

Brainspotting is an intuitive, fluid style of psychotherapy intervention. Please bring your curiosity and willingness to explore what might happen for your highest good! The items listed above and on the video are suggested. We are able to be flexible! No earbuds/headphones, it’s okay we will skip using music. Computer on the fritz, you can use your smartphone. Need to have your dog in the room, that’s okay. We roll with whatever comes up!

Ready to schedule a Brainspotting session? Questions about Brainspotting reach out to Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN.


Bibliotherapy: LOVE SENSE: The Revolutionary New Science of Romantic Relationships by Dr. Sue Johnson


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