
psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation, Open Floor, winery Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation, Open Floor, winery Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN


Without ground where do you stand? Come connect to what’s below you and in you, build safety, and sense support. Practice GROUNDING through meditation and movement with Open Floor! Two opportunities coming up this summer:

• Open Floor 101 3-Part Series starting Thursday, June 30th, 2022 at 9:30am at Inspiring Actions in River Falls, WI!

• Open Floor Moving Meditation & Wine Spritzer Social at Forestville Vines Winery, Sunday, August 14th, 2022!

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psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation, Open Floor Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation, Open Floor Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN


Come practice your sense of SPATIAL AWARENESS through meditation and movement with Open Floor! What you practice on the dance floor builds awareness and skills for navigating life off the dance floor.

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Do You Have a Healthy ACTIVATE & SETTLE Response?
psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation, Open Floor, Free Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation, Open Floor, Free Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

Do You Have a Healthy ACTIVATE & SETTLE Response?

Come try a FREE Open Floor Moving Meditation class on Saturday, May 21st, 2022 from 8-9am at Inspiring Actions Yoga in River Falls, WI. We will be exploring the Open Floor Core Movement Resource of ACTIVATING & SETTLING.

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Music + Meditation + Movement = Regulation/Creativity/Connection
psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation, Open Floor Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation, Open Floor Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

Music + Meditation + Movement = Regulation/Creativity/Connection

Open Floor classes use music, meditation, and movement to cultivate and foster whole body-mind regulation, creativity, and connection. What we practice on the dance floor builds neural pathways, skills, and resiliency for life off the dance floor.

Come try a FREE Open Floor Moving Meditation class on Saturday, May 21st, 2022 from 8-9am at Inspiring Actions Yoga in River Falls, WI. Register on

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Winter Warmer Ecstatic Dance!
psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

Winter Warmer Ecstatic Dance!

Feeling stagnate, isolated, depressed, anxious, disconnected, or stressed? Come move your body! Meditation, music, movement, and community are all medicine for what ails our winter bones and cold spirits.

WINTER WARMER ECSTATIC DANCE is happening Saturday, January 22nd, 2022 at Inspiring Actions!

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Open Floor Teacher Training = ACCEPTED!
psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

Open Floor Teacher Training = ACCEPTED!

I am honored to announce that I have been accepted from a pool of applicants for the next Open Floor Teacher Training to begin in March of 2022! I will be joining people from around the world to study embodiment, conscious dance, and Open Floor Movement practices from some of the masters in this field.

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From the “Ground Floor Lab” Onwards!
psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

From the “Ground Floor Lab” Onwards!

In November, I spent six days learning the core principles of Open Floor International at a Ground Floor Lab accessing movement resources and moving my body with other bodies from all around the globe! Attend a future workshop offering so I can share some of what I learned!

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When Is the Last Time You REALLY Felt Alive? Satisfied? Joy-Filled?
psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, Travel Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, Travel Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

When Is the Last Time You REALLY Felt Alive? Satisfied? Joy-Filled?

As human beings, we are hardwired to experience seeking. Seeking leads to learning, entertainment, and stimulation.

If you are dissatisfied with any or all aspects of your life, my advice to you, start seeking a better life. Try something different, new, weird, scary! Just do something different. We all deserve a life well lived.

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Engage with NATURE to NURTURE!
psychotherapy, counseling, workshops, hiking Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, counseling, workshops, hiking Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

Engage with NATURE to NURTURE!

One way to intervene and support our Autonomic Nervous System is through spending time in nature. Time in nature reduces stress, improves well-being, and moves us into a ventral vagal state where we can connect with others. Come engage with nature at Willow River State Park 10/10/21 GROUP HIKE TO CONNECT and 11/13/21 GROUP HIKE TO CONNECT.

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2-for-1 Mental Well-Being!
psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation, hiking, connection Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation, hiking, connection Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

2-for-1 Mental Well-Being!

It’s common that I have clients show up for therapy with stress related concerns. Often these folks feel overwhelmed with all their daily responsibilities, and they come to therapy for “tools, coping skills, or strategies” so that they can manage the same number of things, but better!

One strategy that I have found myself speaking on lately is how can we meet multiple needs with one activity?

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Ecstatic Dance to Engage Your Rhythm of Regulation!
psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

Ecstatic Dance to Engage Your Rhythm of Regulation!

MOVEMENT, NATURE, MEDITATION, and MUSIC are all tools that can increase regulation and balance our ANS. ECSTATIC DANCE is a wonderful practice because it integrates all these + it is a practice done in community!

OUTSIDE ECSTATIC DANCE is happening, Saturday, 8/14/21 at Glen Park in River Falls, register through Inspiring Actions! Those who practice ecstatic dance share about the release of emotions and stress, the sense of feeling alive, of dropping into a meditative, expansive, free space in the here-and-now. Come join us!

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“Engaging the Rhythm of Regulation!”
psychotherapy, counseling, workshops, Dance Movement, Meditation, bibliotherapy Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, counseling, workshops, Dance Movement, Meditation, bibliotherapy Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

“Engaging the Rhythm of Regulation!”

As humans, our physiology and behaviors are literally in the service of survival. “Every response is an action in the service of survival” according to Deb Dana in The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy: Engaging the Rhythm of Regulation. The goal of psychotherapy is to move clients from a state of dysregulation to a state of regulation.

Our Autonomic Nervous System includes two main branches, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic which include three pathways of how we respond to our environments and internal states.

There are many ways to intervene and work with our Autonomic Nervous Systems. Things such as spending time in nature, dancing or exercising, listening to music, breathing exercises, meditating, playing, and Brainspotting can all support us in shifting into a ventral vagal state of regulation. If you are interested in learning more about your Autonomic Nervous System and how it works in your service, Coriander Living Collective is up for the task.

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 Cori Talking About Moving Meditation & Ecstatic Dance on Season 2, Episode 7 of the Get Out and Try Podcast!
lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation, retreats, ecstatic dance, winery, brewery, fitness Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation, retreats, ecstatic dance, winery, brewery, fitness Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

Cori Talking About Moving Meditation & Ecstatic Dance on Season 2, Episode 7 of the Get Out and Try Podcast!

Somehow, I missed when Katie Axel put out a “January Highlights” episode for her Get Out and Try Podcast this Spring, but my clip is as relevant now as it was then because I’m offering multiple chances for you to “get out and try” Moving Meditation and Ecstatic Dance this summer!

Take a listen here, my part starts at 02:55 and runs until 07:08:

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Tired? Frustrated? Stressed? Need a Break? HERE’S WHAT YOU MUST DO!
lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation, retreats Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation, retreats Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

Tired? Frustrated? Stressed? Need a Break? HERE’S WHAT YOU MUST DO!

Life can be relentless and heavy, and sometimes we just need a BREAK! The answer, retreat, RETREAT, retreat!

Come join, Betsy Koepke’s, Tired Mamas Retreat, August 20-22, 2021 at a Private Luxury Cabin in Minong, WI!

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The Wellness Benefits of Moving Meditation!
psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

The Wellness Benefits of Moving Meditation!

Some of the wellness benefits of moving meditation include: 1) Releases Stress, 2) Lifts Mood, 3) Decreases Anxiety, 4) Offers Sense of Belonging, 5) Moves Emotions, 6) Builds Coordination, 7) Encourages Connection, 8) Regulates Nervous System, and 9) Increases Self-Awareness.

Luckily, you have several opportunities to explore Moving Meditation + Social Hours this summer at local wineries, breweries, and studios! Follow us! To stay in the loop of upcoming events! Reach out to Coriander Living Collective with any questions.

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Gathering Pearls of Joy: Are You Joyful?
psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation, Travel Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation, Travel Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

Gathering Pearls of Joy: Are You Joyful?

Are you yearning for more moments of joy? Coriander Living Collective is here to assist you in accessing more joy. Just reach out! Try a Moving Meditation or Ecstatic Dance class! Or sign up for individual psychotherapy and counseling to hold you accountable for making positive life changes.

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What Do Ecstatic Dance and Moving Meditation Look Like? Watch Me to Find Out!!!
psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN psychotherapy, counseling, lifestyle, workshops, classes, Dance Movement, Meditation Cori Hildebrandt, MA, LPC WI, LPCC MN

What Do Ecstatic Dance and Moving Meditation Look Like? Watch Me to Find Out!!!

Ecstatic dance and moving meditation practices, empower people of all backgrounds, shapes, and sizes to courageously express themselves in a safe container. By engaging our senses and listening to our bodies, we are able to deeply connect with ourselves, others, and spirit.

Come join us in the grass! All current and upcoming events can be found on Coriander Living Collective’s Facebook page. Follow us! Reach out to Coriander Living Collective with any questions. Looking forward to moving with you this summer!

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How Often Do You Do Things in Life Where You Feel Truly Free?
workshops, retreats, classes, dance, self help Cori Hildebrandt workshops, retreats, classes, dance, self help Cori Hildebrandt

How Often Do You Do Things in Life Where You Feel Truly Free?

Ecstatic dance, free-form intuitive movement, authentic movement, or however we call it, empowers people of all backgrounds, shapes, and sizes to courageously express themselves in a safe container. How often do you do things in life where you feel truly free? Uninhibited? Safe to explore and accept what is?

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